Bruno Mars

  1. Count on MeLyrics and Music by Peter Hernández, Philip Lawrence and Ari Levine
  2. GrenadeLyrics and Music by Peter Hernández, Ari Levine, Philip Lawrence, Christopher Steven Brown, Claude Kelly and Andrew Wyatt
  3. It will RainLyrics and Music by Peter Hernández, Ari Levine and Philip Lawrence
  4. Just the Way You AreLyrics and Music by Peter Hernández, Philip Lawrence, Ari Levine, Khari Cain and Khalil Walton
  5. Locked Out of HeavenLyrics and Music by Peter Hernández, Philip Lawrence, Ari Levine, Emile Haynie, Mark Ronson and Jeffrey Bhasker
  6. Marry YouLyrics and Music by Peter Hernández, Ari Levine and Philip Lawrence
  7. Runaway BabyLyrics and Music by Peter Hernández, Ari Levine, Philip Lawrence and Christopher Steven Brown
  8. Talking to the MoonLyrics and Music by Jeffrey Bhasker, Peter Hernández, Philip Lawrence, Ari Levine and Albert Winkler
  9. The Lazy SongLyrics and Music by Peter Hernández, Ari Levine, Philip Lawrence and Keinan Warsame
  10. TreasureLyrics and Music by Peter Hernández, Ari Levine, Philip Lawrence and Phredley Brown
  11. When I Was Your ManLyrics and Music by Peter Hernández, Philip Lawrence, Ari Levine and Andrew Wyatt
  12. Young GirlsLyrics and Music by Jeffrey Bhasker, Emile Haynie, Peter Hernández, Philip Lawrence and Ari Levine
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